ABCDE Co-founder BMAN: Four-Step Positioning Strategy and Seven Differentiation Tactics for Building a Top-Tier Crypto Narrative

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September 20, 2024
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Growth Hacker Camp Explores Storytelling in Crypto

PANews, September 20 – At the "Growth Hacker Camp" event co-hosted by BeWater and PANews, ABCDE co-founder BMAN discussed the framework for constructing a bottom-up narrative in the crypto space during his keynote speech on "Crypto's Top-Tier Narrative."

He pointed out that Web3 projects can build their strategic layer by following a four-step positioning framework:

  1. Environmental Analysis: Define a unique position in the market by analyzing the current environment.
  2. Brand Positioning: Avoid strong competitors' positions in user's minds.
  3. Trustworthiness: Provide credible credentials to build trust and recognition.
  4. Internal Integration: Integrate positioning into all aspects of internal operations.

Furthermore, BMAN emphasized the importance of differentiation using seven key factors: performance, customization, risk reduction, status, novelty, and low price. He highlighted the need for projects to build a complete narrative chain across various product attributes, encompassing benefits, psychological value, and values.

BMAN stressed the necessity of transitioning narratives into movements through two processes: thawing and refreezing.

  • Thawing: Involves eliciting emotions like pride, friendship, unity, and identity pride by identifying inflammatory reasons and shaping a common enemy. It's about fostering community building to enhance a sense of belonging.
  • Refreezing: Involves cultivating new, sustainable behavior patterns among the audience and transmitting core values through the narrative.

The second edition of the "BeWater Growth Hacker Camp" took place in Singapore from September 20th to 21st, organized by BeWater and PANews. This event focused on growth methodologies, fostering collective intelligence, and exploring the essence of marketing. The event brought together top projects and top VC investors who have achieved significant growth in the past six months. They engaged in ten insightful discussions around core themes such as personal branding and influence, marketing strategy, community culture and organic growth, and Web2 user acquisition and retention.

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